The Christian Life Series

If you attend Calvary Chapel Oxnard, you may have noticed the posters that just went up. They announce the sermon series on The Christian Life we’ll be doing in 2019.

As we continue to work our way book by book through the Bible, we’ll also use both Wednesdays and Sundays to do some topical series on different aspects of the Christian Life. We’re doing this because of the marked change there’s been in our culture. More and more we see people coming to faith in Christ and becoming members of CCO with little to no church background and no previous exposure to the Word our ways of God. They’d eventually hear God’s counsel on their daily lives over the course of several years as they attend our regular services in which we work our way through the Bible. We have a more urgent need to see that they encounter God’s direction soon. So we’ll be carving out time this year to share that with them.

As always, we’ll root our examination of the Christian Life in God’s Word. Even when we do topical messages we aim to exegete those passages that speak to the issue, rather than devising a topic then going in search of a passage to support what we want to say.
The series we’ll do will include marriage, finances, relationships, emotions, identity, parenting, and speech. Some series will run a couple weeks, others for a month. The consistent theme for them all will be how our relationship with God through Faith in Christ changes everything. We were made for a relationship with God that becomes a source of blessing for others. In blessing others, we find the satisfaction and meaning that lies at the very core of who and what we are as human beings created in God’s image.

We encourage the people of CCO to invite their friends and family to attend these special topical series on the Christian Life. This is a great way to introduce them to the Wisdom of God.
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