CCO Senior pastor transition

Last October Pastor Lance Ralston announced his pending retirement as Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Oxnard after 40+ years of faithful and devoted service to the church. The plan is to hire a new lead pastor for CCO within the next 1 to 2 years. Currently, CCO has gathered a team, called ‘Transition Working Group’ (TWG) to produce and implement the means to seek and hire a new lead pastor for Calvary Chapel Oxnard. We are anticipating in early March 2024 to post the position publicly. Will you be praying that our Lord Jesus will give wisdom, counsel, and guidance in the selection process? We are trusting that our Lord Jesus will continue to receive glory and to bless Calvary Chapel Oxnard, His church as He says in His Word.
Mission • (1) Develop a process to locate, select, hire, and nurture God’s choice for a senior pastor to lead CCO in the future. (2) Faithfully execute the process to obtain a smooth, effective, and efficient transition.
Vision • The selected candidate is successful in leading, feeding, and protecting CCO according to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. He is a leader recognized for getting right results, seeing that God is glorified, and that the CCO congregation is enriched by selecting the man God chooses to succeed Pastor Lance.

6-3-2024 • As of June 3, 2024, the job posting for the CCO senior pastor position has closed. We want to thank all the applicants in their prayerful consideration for the position. Each applicant is precious to our Lord Jesus as they endeavor to serve Him. Our prayer is that they would be blessed exceedingly with His Spirit, and it is to the ministers of Christ Jesus who have been called and are faithful in their calling that we extend our thankfulness and admiration.  We have received 3 new application packets prior to the closing of the senior pastor position and in turn we will be reviewing and evaluating them as with the others. Many of the earlier applicants are currently at the next level consisting of screening and interviews as we listen closely to the Lord and His Holy Spirit asking Him to direct the transition team. Please continue to look to Jesus our Shepherd praying with all diligence and steadfastness. Lead us Lord in your goodness.

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