worship & equipping times
9:00 am / 10:45 am
6:30 pm
Viernes – 7 pm
Domingos – 5 pm
how to find us
From the 101 Freeway, exit the 101 Freeway at Rose Avenue.
Go South on Rose Avenue for 1.8 miles to Eastman Avenue.
Turn left. We are the 3rd & 4th building on the left side of the street.
1925 Eastman is our Family Ministries Building
2001 Eastman is our Sanctuary & Main Offices Building
Go South on Rose Avenue for 1.8 miles to Eastman Avenue.
Turn left. We are the 3rd & 4th building on the left side of the street.
1925 Eastman is our Family Ministries Building
2001 Eastman is our Sanctuary & Main Offices Building

Our style
Our worship music style is mostly modern, accessible, upbeat, & honest. We do love to include some classic hymns from time to time as well. We typically use a full band, but will sometimes simplify to remind ourselves that our worship is not dependent on the instrumentation we use.
Calvary Chapel tends to be fairly casual in our dress, although some prefer to dress up. It is not unusual to see someone in shorts and a t-shirt worshiping alongside someone wearing a tie. You are encouraged to come as you are!
Our Bible teaching is typically verse-by-verse through books of the Bible. On Wednesday nights, we may cover a full chapter or more in a longer study (45 min) followed by groups discussion and application. On Sundays, we take deeper dive into a key passage (30-40 min).
Calvary Chapel is a "charismatic" church, we believe that all the spiritual gifts mentioned in Scripture are in operation today. We practice spiritual gifts as instructed in scripture—decent and in order. Don't expect a "Pentecostal" style church service: we use the spiritual gifts in serving one another individually or in smaller gatherings.
Calvary Chapel tends to be fairly casual in our dress, although some prefer to dress up. It is not unusual to see someone in shorts and a t-shirt worshiping alongside someone wearing a tie. You are encouraged to come as you are!
Our Bible teaching is typically verse-by-verse through books of the Bible. On Wednesday nights, we may cover a full chapter or more in a longer study (45 min) followed by groups discussion and application. On Sundays, we take deeper dive into a key passage (30-40 min).
Calvary Chapel is a "charismatic" church, we believe that all the spiritual gifts mentioned in Scripture are in operation today. We practice spiritual gifts as instructed in scripture—decent and in order. Don't expect a "Pentecostal" style church service: we use the spiritual gifts in serving one another individually or in smaller gatherings.

We desire that CCO be a "house of prayer"—and we will always strive to be even more faithful to direct our hearts to God.
Some of our regular prayer opportunities include...
Some of our regular prayer opportunities include...
- Worship Services - During our services we will often have points of prayer that we will agree on together corporately or in small groups.
- After Services - We have prayer counselors made up of our staff, Elders, and group leaders available in the front to pray for anyone who would like prayer.
- Prayer Chain - If you have a prayer need, you can send it to our prayer chain at [email protected].
- Prayer Team - We also have a group that prays during our 9:00am church service and would love to have you join in!

We share in communion regularly at CCO, as an important practice for the Christian. We believe this is a celebration of Jesus' work on the cross and a public proclamation of faith in Him, and we urge believers to take the elements reverently and prayerfully.
We will either have the elements available up front for people to partake of individually, or alternately, the ushers will pass the elements so we can partake together.
We will either have the elements available up front for people to partake of individually, or alternately, the ushers will pass the elements so we can partake together.

Regular, faithful giving is an important spiritual disciple for the believer, and we encourage you to support your local church.
We believe that giving should to be Spirit–led, generous, joyful, faithful, and private.
Our ushers will collect offerings during worship. You may also give at the front desk at any time. We especially encourage online giving for convenience.
Calvary Chapel Oxnard is a non–profit, 503c organization, and all gifts are tax–deductible.
We believe that giving should to be Spirit–led, generous, joyful, faithful, and private.
Our ushers will collect offerings during worship. You may also give at the front desk at any time. We especially encourage online giving for convenience.
Calvary Chapel Oxnard is a non–profit, 503c organization, and all gifts are tax–deductible.
A short history of cco
Lance Ralston is the founding pastor of Calvary Chapel of Oxnard, which began in the Fall of 1982 in Port Hueneme. Since that time, the church has met in several locations as it has grown over the years, including Bolker Park, Oxnard College, the Oxnard Performing Arts Center, in El Rio and in the Wagon Wheel area of North Oxnard. We moved to our present facility on Eastman Avenue in the Fall of 1998. Over that time, Calvary Chapel Oxnard has steadily grown from a half dozen families to an average Sunday congregation of over nine hundred adults.
Pastor Ralston’s method of teaching is solidly expositional, following the Inductive Method of Observation, Interpretation, and Application. During the mid-week study, he teaches from one to five or more chapters, verse by verse. Sunday morning sermons are drawn from the passages being covered in the mid-week study. This two-fold method of teaching both survey and in-depth, provides the congregation with a good balance that moves them through the whole counsel of God’s Word, while being able to focus on major themes of both theology and the practical issues of the Christian life.
CCO is part of a larger movement of non-denominational churches that began in the late 1960’s in Southern California called “Calvary Chapel.” These churches, while independent, all maintain a voluntary association based on certain doctrinal and stylistic distinctives. There are over a thousand Calvary Chapel fellowships both in this country and abroad.
Pastor Ralston’s method of teaching is solidly expositional, following the Inductive Method of Observation, Interpretation, and Application. During the mid-week study, he teaches from one to five or more chapters, verse by verse. Sunday morning sermons are drawn from the passages being covered in the mid-week study. This two-fold method of teaching both survey and in-depth, provides the congregation with a good balance that moves them through the whole counsel of God’s Word, while being able to focus on major themes of both theology and the practical issues of the Christian life.
CCO is part of a larger movement of non-denominational churches that began in the late 1960’s in Southern California called “Calvary Chapel.” These churches, while independent, all maintain a voluntary association based on certain doctrinal and stylistic distinctives. There are over a thousand Calvary Chapel fellowships both in this country and abroad.